

Different capacities of UPS (power outage preventer) Daltwan are now available at competitive prices, and this is because you will buy directly from our importer, meaning at wholesale price, and it contains an internal stabilizer that is more accurate and stable for the devices, meaning a device (UPS + stabilizer) in one device at the same price. So, what are its advantages: -
1- It will solve any problem related to a power outage.
2- It works automatically immediately after a power outage, within a fraction of a second, and without the devices used being affected by the outage.
3- Completely silent, no sound is emitted during operation (Mute Type).

4- The device is equipped with all the necessary protections to extend its lifespan.      
 5- The device is connected to external batteries to increase operating time according to your consumption. 
6- Availability of all spare parts and batteries.
7- All types come with a warranty.
For more information about power outage prevention devices. Request the device 01276666480

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